Kompetizzjoni tat-T-shirts tal-JEL



 jiġi hawn!

Ibgħatilna d-diżinn/l-istampa/il-grafika tiegħek u tidħol biċ-ċans li dan jidher fuq it-T-shirt uffiċjali tal-EDL 2025! !

  1. Żomm f’moħħok li d-disinn għandu jkun dwar il-lingwi, u mhux il-pajjiżi. Għalhekk tużax bnadar jew affarijiet simili.
  2. Tista’ tuża sa tliet kuluri.
  3. Jekk għandek verżjonijiet li jużaw kuluri differenti, ibgħathom kollha f’email wieħed, se nagħżlu dawk li l-aktar jogħġbuna.
  4. Żomm f’moħħok li għandna bżonn disinn sempliċi, li ma jkunx kumpless wisq jew li jkollu dettalji żgħar. Dan se jżid il-kwalità tal-istampar.
  5. Dan id-disinn ma jistax jgħaddi minn fuq il-ħjata tat-T-shirt u għandu jkun fuq quddiem. Żomm f’moħħok li l-akbar żona ta’ stampar hija ta’ 30 cm X 30 cm.
  6. Id-disinn ma jistax ikun fih materjal jew logos protetti mid-drittijiet tal-awtur ta’ terzi persuni.
  7. Billi tibagħtilna d-disinn tkun qed taqbel li nkunu nistgħu nużawh mingħajr ħlas fuq is-siti web tagħna, fuq it-T-Shirts u fuq mezzi promozzjonali (bħal fuq Facebook jew xi flyer). Ovvjament, kull fejn nużaw id-disinn se nżidu ismek miegħu.
Tista' tibgħat id-disinn tiegħek sal-31 ta' Diċembru.
Jekk tirbaħ, tingħata sa 10 T-shirts biex tagħtihom lil sħabek tal-klassi!

Daħħal id-disinn tiegħek hawn

Tella’ file (.gif jew .jpg biss)


Għandi d-drittijiet kollha biex nippubblika dan il-materjal.
Naqbel li ċ-Ċentru Ewropew għal-Lingwi Moderni tal-Kunsill tal-Ewropa (ECML) jista’ juża l-materjali tiegħi fuq is-sit tal-JEL, fuq Facebook u YouTube għall-promozzjoni tal-Jum Ewropew tal-Lingwi.

Nixtiequ nirringrazzjaw lil dawk kollha li ħadu sehem. Minn aktar minn elfejn diżinn mill-isbaħ, kienet diffiċli tassew biex nagħżlu r-rebbieħ/a ta’ din is-sena!

Rebbieħa passati

Kompetizzjoni tat-T-shirts tal-JEL 2024 

Ir-rebbieħa tal-kompetizzjoni tat-T-shirt tal-EDL 2024 hija Eloise Recio Jarda (Colegio Cooperativa Al-Bayyana, Roquetas de Mar, España). Prosit!

"With this logo i wanted to capture the incredible variety of different people that are brought together by the same land. Even if it may seem like we are very different, all of our unique languages and cultures unite us because of our love of diversity. Our differences and the will to always learn all kinds of things from people all around our continent makes us special and brave. There is no such thing as a language barrier if you are willing to constantly learn new things and try new experiences!"

Kompetizzjoni tat-T-shirts tal-JEL 2023 

Ir-rebbieħa tal-kompetizzjoni tat-T-shirt tal-EDL 2023 hija Alžbeta Šáleková –Slovenská Republika. Prosit!

"When creating the design, I wanted to express the idea of the competition in a simple and clear way. I chose human natural means of communication as the main components. They are depicted by one interconnected variable line. It symbolically materializes the words leading from mouth to ear, at the same time thus representing a mutual conversation. The variability of the shapes used points to the diversity of languages, information, themes, and cultures, which enriches and develops them."

Kompetizzjoni tat-T-shirts tal-JEL 2022  (1)

Ir-rebbieħa tal-kompetizzjoni tat-T-shirt tal-EDL 2022 hija Dominika Maj – Gliwice / Polska. Prosit!

"I’m a graphic design high school student (ZSE-T im. Cichociemnych, Gliwice / Poland). My goal was to create a universal theme, understandable to everyone, regardless of their origin. The light bulb symbol alludes to creativity and self-discovery through collaboration with other people. Knowledge of languages allows us not only to communicate, but above all to develop. Participation in the competition was a great opportunity for me to prove myself and create something on my own - for everyone."

Kompetizzjoni tat-T-shirts tal-JEL 2022  (2)

Ir-rebbieħa tal-kompetizzjoni tat-T-shirt tal-EDL 2022 hija Oana Cătălina Neag – România. Prosit!

"I made this design thinking about the diversity we have in Europe both in language and culture. Through the three different shapes which I animated with different expressions, I tried to evoke the idea of conversation and the fact that this day, the European Day of Languages, gives us the opportunity to realize that we are all Europeans, even if we have different "shapes" we all have something to learn from each other and the fastest way is through conversation."

Kompetizzjoni tat-T-shirts tal-JEL 2020 

Ir-rebbieħa tal-kompetizzjoni tat-T-shirt tal-EDL 2020 hija Catalina María Puebla Coenen – España. Prosit!

"To make the design of this T-shirt, I was inspired by European languages which are symbolically lines that connect people by giving touches of glittering colours to our lives. I think the T-shirt fits perfectly with the philosophy of the competition."

Kompetizzjoni tat-T-shirts tal-JEL 2019 

Ir-rebbieħa tal-kompetizzjoni tat-T-shirt tal-EDL 2019 hija Emilė Žandauskaitė – Vilnius/Lietuvos Respublika. Prosit!

"This task was a completely new experience for me as I got acquainted with modern forms of art. As a result it encouraged me to keep looking for more as well as setting my creativity free. I drew what I felt and what seemed to be the best at that exact moment. I wanted to create something interesting and that could reflect the main idea of the contest. Winning the contest dispelled all my doubts about what I am capable of and I am truly happy about it."

Kompetizzjoni tat-T-shirts tal-JEL 2018 

Ir-rebbieħa tal-kompetizzjoni tat-T-shirt tal-EDL 2018 hija Emily Van Cantfort – Vilnius/Lietuvos Respublika. Prosit!

"I first studied graphic design and then started studying office management. As part of an assignment at a language exchange, we held our own competition for the best t-shirt design. I eventually won this, so I decided to also take part in the real competition. Luckily!"

Kompetizzjoni tat-T-shirts tal-JEL 2021 

Ir-rebbieħa tal-kompetizzjoni tat-T-shirt tal-EDL 2021 hija Tímea Svetková – Slovenská Republika. Prosit!

"As a student of graphic design, I wanted to make something creative and simple at the same time. One of my first ideas was to create a mascot, that would perfectly capture this competition and what other animal than parrot? Parrot for me represents an animal that can talk in every single language, if you teach him. Under his wings he unites languages and therefore for me it represents unity the most. This competition was a great opportunity for me to make something meaningful in a modern artform."

Sottomissjonijiet passati

Dávid Szőke

Federica Ferrini

Namitraj Pruthi

Hana Stonová Prančlová
Czech Republic

Francesca Scocco

Julia Bugárová

Scurtu Diana Mirabela

Butilica Roberto

Tomiris Tkatova

Nela Tokárová

Ines Ozogányová

Enrico Guarise

Christina Apostolidy

Lucas Oliveira

Julia Baranek

Denis Repka

Jessika Fontanive

Robert Andrei Sandu

Ralitsa Totseva

Isabel Palma Vázquez

Lenka Karšaiová

Matouš Jan Vrba
Czech Republic

Aleksandra Milojković

Manuela Teixeira 

Irene Morro Ramos 

Elisa Esposito 

Dilek Bekiroglou 

Julie Cancellaro 
Czech Republic 

Henrique Ribeiro 

Jéssica Simões 

Darya Neznamova 

Janina Tschabitscher 

Laura Farkas 

Alexandra Iosif 

Nina Rebecca Vitalošová 

Sophia Leopold-Muresan