Initiative 2024 
Most difficult letter/word/phrase to pronounce!

For example, the letter 'Ř' (a ‘raised alveolar non-sonorant trill’!) from Czech is reputed to be one of the most difficult letters to pronounce in the world – except (of course) if you are Czech! Can you come up with something just as difficult to pronounce or even more so – either in your own language or in the one you are learning? If so, send us a short video illustrating this challenging piece of oral dexterity and why it is challenging! We will select a winner of Europe's most difficult utterances to then be featured on the EDL website.

Thank you for participating - this initiative is now closed - a compilation of videos will be made available online in the course of November.

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Initiative: Most difficult letter/word/phrase to pronounce!

Thank you for participating - this initiative is now closed - a compilation of videos will be made available online in the course of November.