Službena majica EDL

Sljedeće majice mogu se naručiti kod našeg partnera spreadshirts.com za Europski dan jezika. Izabrali smo flex print za kvalitet printa.

Natjecanje za EDJ majicu 2021.

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Pobjednica natjecanja za majicu EDL 2024 

Pobjednica natjecanja za majicu EDL 2024 je Eloise Recio Jarda (Colegio Cooperativa Al-Bayyana, Roquetas de Mar, España). čestitam!

"With this logo i wanted to capture the incredible variety of different people that are brought together by the same land. Even if it may seem like we are very different, all of our unique languages and cultures unite us because of our love of diversity. Our differences and the will to always learn all kinds of things from people all around our continent makes us special and brave. There is no such thing as a language barrier if you are willing to constantly learn new things and try new experiences!"