Language Day,
26 set 2024 - 26 set 2024,
FERMO, Itália
The event is addressed to all headmasters of state and private schools of all levels in the Marche region and is organized by: EUROPE DIRECT Regione Marche (Italy), the Regional School Office for Marche region, the Liceo Medi of Senigallia - pole school of the Erasmus+ eTwinning Programme - and the comprehensive school Fracassetti of Fermo (Italy). This activity has a dual intent: to talk about eTwinning Programme, as a language learning resource; to present and make known to all headmasters the many European opportunities and projects promoting language learning and to ensure that information is widespread and homogeneous throughout the regional territory.
Venue: Comprehensive school Fracassetti (Show On Map)
Target groups: Adults (in general) Language teachers Participants in adult education programmes
Organizer: Regional School Office for Marche region, EUROPE DIRECT Regione Marche, the Liceo Medi of Senigallia and the Comprehensive School Fracassetti
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 80
Address: Salvo D'Acquisto Street, 63900, FERMO, Itália
Contact Name: Marisa Celani
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