Fun with Idioms (English/French/German)
26 set 2024,
Iași, Roménia
Students explore idiomatic expressions in French, English and German by comparing their meanings and cultural nuances. In small groups, they guess the meaning of idioms from the other language and then create a comic strip or skit illustrating an idiom literally, highlighting the humor in language. This activity deepens their understanding of figurative language while encouraging creativity.
Venue: Colegiul Național Mihai Eminescu (Show On Map)
Target groups: Language learners Students
Organizer: Mihaela Pasciuc, Oana Untu
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 60
Address: M. Kogalniceanu, 700454, Iași, Roménia
Contact Name: Mihaela Pasciuc
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