Avvenimenti tal-Jum Ewropew tal-Lingwi

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Journey through the European countries

 Challenge, 22 Set 2024 - 27 Set 2024, Bragadiru, Rumanija

Celebrating the **European Day of Languages** is important for several reasons: 1. **Promoting Linguistic Diversity**: Europe is home to over 200 languages, including many regional and minority languages. Celebrating this day helps preserve and promote these languages, preventing them from being lost or marginalized. 2. **Encouraging Language Learning**: In an increasingly globalized world, speaking multiple languages is a valuable skill. Learning languages opens up opportunities for travel, work, and cultural exchange, while also fostering communication and understanding across borders. 3. **Fostering Mutual Understanding and Tolerance**: By learning about other languages and cultures, students and communities develop empathy and respect for people from different backgrounds, helping to break down stereotypes and promote social cohesion. 4. **Supporting Career and Educational Opportunities**: In the international job market, knowing more than one language can significantly improve career prospects. Multilingualism is a key asset in diplomacy, business, tourism, and many other sectors. 5. **Celebrating Cultural Heritage**: Language is deeply tied to cultural identity. By celebrating languages, we also celebrate the rich cultural diversity and heritage of Europe, fostering pride and recognition of one’s own language while appreciating others. 6. **Raising Awareness of Endangered Languages**: Many minority and regional languages in Europe are at risk of disappearing. The European Day of Languages raises awareness about the importance of protecting and revitalizing these languages to maintain cultural diversity. 7. **Strengthening Intercultural Communication**: Understanding and speaking multiple languages improves intercultural communication, leading to stronger relationships, partnerships, and collaboration between countries and communities. Overall, the European Day of Languages encourages lifelong language learning, promotes unity in diversity, and helps build a more inclusive, tolerant, and connected society.

Venue: Școala Gimnazială Nr. 1 Bragadiru (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Language learners Pupils Children Students Young people (in general)

Organizer: Stroe Andreea Gabriela
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 500
Address: Soseaua alexandriei 243, 077025, Bragadiru, Rumanija
Contact Name: Gabriela Stroe

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20 idea għall-Jum Ewropew tal-Lingwi ta’ din is-sena

Qed issibha diffiċli biex issib ideat għal avveniment għal Jum Ewropej tal-Lingwi ta’ din is-sena? Biex torganizza avvenimenti ta’ gost, inklusivi, b’element edukattiv u li jimmotiva numru kbir ta’ nies jista’ jkun ta’ sfida. Hawn taħt hawn xi ideat li jistimulaw il-ħsieb kreattiv tiegħek, ħafna minnhom ibbażżati fuq il-prinċipju “starting small to go big”! 20 idea għal attivitajiet li jistgħu jsiru biex tiġi ċċelebrata l-EDL ta’ din is-sena.

20 idea għall-Jum Ewropew tal-Lingwi ta’ din is-sena

Ara l-paġna

20 idea għall-Jum Ewropew tal-Lingwi ta’ din is-sena

Ara l-paġna

Ivvota għall-avveniment l-aktar innovattiv ta’ din is-sena! 

Biex jiżdied daqsxejn ta’ element ieħor ta’ eċitament mal-Jum, kull min iżur is-sit web jista’ jivvota għall-aktar attività tal-JEL innovattiva. Dan jista’ jkun minħabba l-kreattività jew it-trasferibbiltà tagħha jew sempliċiment għaliex verament tirrappreżenta l-ispirtu tal-Jum.  Il-votazzjoni se tkun miftuħa għal xahar mill-20 ta’ Settembru sal-20 ta’ Ottubru, u r-rebbieħ jitħabbar f’Diċembru. Se jkun hemm premju żgħir għall-organizzatur tal-attività li tirċievi l-aktar voti.

2024's 'most innovative event' is
Long live the European Day of Languages/ Vive la Journée européenne des langues

The event received 1900+ votes and was organised by Lycée Alfred Mézières de Longwy, France.

Congratulations to the winners!

We were greatly impressed by the creativity and great effort which went into organising the events submitted and would like to thank all organisers of EDL events in 2024.