JEL - Danse, JEU, paix, diversite
19 rugs. 2024 - 27 rugs. 2024,
Roșiorii de Vede, Rumunija
The event takes place at Information Centre EUROPE DIRECT on Tuesday, 26th of September, 11 o'clock. There are middle schools participating.
Venue: Secondary School „Zaharia Stancu” (Show On Map)
Target groups: Adults (in general) Pupils Children Language teachers Media Parents
Organizer: Stînga Liliana & Tîrniceanu Claudia
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 100
Address: Carpați, 71-73, 145100, Roșiorii de Vede, Rumunija
Contact Name: Stînga Liliana & Tîrniceanu Claudia
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