Evenimente ale Zilei Europene a Limbilor

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"Language Roulette"

 Competition/Tournament, 26 sept. 2023 - 27 sept. 2023

Description: Language Roulette is a fun and interactive activity designed to celebrate the European Day of Languages while promoting language diversity and cross-cultural communication. This activity can be organized in schools, community centers, or even online platforms. Here's how it works: Language Tags: Prepare a set of adhesive labels, each labeled with the name of a European language. Include languages like Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Polish, Greek, etc. Make sure to represent a wide variety of languages. Participants' Engagement: As participants arrive, randomly assign each person a language label by sticking it on their clothing or as a virtual tag in online settings. Language Challenge: Throughout the event, participants are encouraged to communicate with each other using the language on their label as much as possible. This can include basic greetings, asking simple questions, or engaging in short conversations. Language Exchange: Encourage participants to find others with different language labels and engage in language exchange. For instance, if someone has a Spanish label, they might seek out someone with a French label to exchange a few sentences in each other's languages. Language Challenges: Periodically, you can announce language challenges or games. For example, you might ask participants to form pairs and introduce themselves in their assigned languages. Or, you could organize a simple quiz with questions related to various European cultures and languages. Prizes: To make it more exciting, offer small prizes for participants who successfully complete language challenges or engage in meaningful language exchanges. Language Showcase: Conclude the event by inviting participants to share their experiences and insights from communicating in different languages. You can also include a small performance or presentation segment where participants share interesting facts or cultural aspects related to their assigned languages. "Language Roulette" is a fantastic way to encourage language learning, promote cultural exchange, and celebrate the European Day of Languages by fostering an environment where individuals of all backgrounds can connect through the power of language. It's a simple yet effective activity that can leave a lasting impact and inspire participants to explore new languages and cultures.

Target groups:  Language teachers General public

Organizer: Ion Rosca Secondary. SCHOOL
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 50

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20 de idei pentru Ziua Europeană a Limbilor din acest an

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20 de idei pentru Ziua Europeană a Limbilor din acest an

Căutați în continuare idei pentru o inițiativă care să respecte regulile „distanțării sociale” pentru Ziua Europeană a Limbilor din acest an? În aceste vremuri incerte, poate fi dificil să organizezi evenimente care să garanteze siguranța, fiind în același timp atrăgătoare pentru un număr mare de oameni. Mai jos sunt câteva idei pentru a vă stimula creativitatea, majoritatea bazate pe principiul „Începe mic pentru a deveni mare”! 20 idei de activităţi care pot fi realizate respectând regulile distanțării fizice.
Cel mai inovator eveniment al anului 2023este
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Evenimentul a primit peste 480 de voturi și a fost organizat de către Departamento Curricular de Línguas, Alcobaça, Portugal.

Felicitări câștigătorilor!

Suntem foarte impresionați de creativitatea și efortul depus în organizarea evenimentelor trimise și dorim să mulțumim tuturor organizatorilor de evenimente "Ziua Europeană a Limbilor" din 2023.