Догађаји Европског дана језика

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 Celebration, 26 септ. 2023, THESSALONIKI- NEAPOLI, Грчка

1st Junior High School of Neapoli Thessaloniki- Greece SITE: 1gym-neapol.thess.sch.gr E-MAIL: mail@1gym-neapol.thess.sch.gr TEL: 2310622809 EUROPEAN DAY OF LANGUAGES The European Day of Languages was celebrated at the 1st High School of Neapoli, on Tuesday, 26 September 2023. This day has been celebrated by 47 European countries since 2001, with the aim of making students understand what learning foreign languages is about, celebrating the history and culture of other countries , understanding each other and coexisting peacefully! In our school, the European Day of Languages was celebrated in a pleasant atmosphere of interest and enthusiasm, with a representative event created in collaboration with students and teachers. Specifically, 8 short dialogues were delivered by students, similar in content, starting with the Greek language. The languages included afterwards were : English, German, Albanian, Russian, French, Italian and Spanish. Greek Language: Katerina Iosifidou and Apostolos Delios English Language: Santiyie Tahsinoglou and Athanasios Petanidis German Language: Elpida Tsalikoglou and Christos Papadopoulos Albanian Language: Krystallia Nterstila and Livia Sani Russian Language : Kleopatra Kourtkezidou and Christina Borislavova French Language : Martha/Mary Hourpouliadou Italian Language: Christina Sarkisian and Anastasia Triantafyllidou Spanish Language: Katerina Kourdounaki and Yannis Maurommatis The dialogues were formed in such a way as to highlight the common origin of European languages, the multilingualism, the cultural diversity and the value of intercultural understanding and respect for each language. In addition, they involve the interaction of linguistic and auditory elements. We look forward, in the near future, to promoting the learning of foreign languages and preserving Europe's linguistic wealth. We have added lesser-spoken languages, as they are the mother tongues of many students in our school community. Furthermore, the students translated tongue twisters into various languages and as an artistic intervention created original posters and the Tree of European Languages. CURATORS OF THE CELEBRATION: MYRSINI CHARALAMPIDOU ( ENGLISH TEACHER ) ZOI MOLOHIDOU ( GERMAN TEACHER

Venue: 1st Junior High School of Neapoli (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Language learners

Organizer: 1st Junior High School of Neapoli
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 18
Contact Name: Myrsini Charalampidou
Website: https://1gym-neapol.thess.sch.gr

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20 идеја за овогодишњи Европски дан језика

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20 идеја за овогодишњи Европски дан језика

Мучиш се да нађеш идеје за овогодишњи Европски дан језика? Организација догађаја који су забавни и привлачни великом броју људи, а опет имају образовни елемент и мотивишу, може бити изазов. Ево пар идеја које ће инспирисати твоју креативност, од којих је већина заснована на принципу „почети од мањег да би се стигло до већег“! 20 идеја за овогодишњи Европски дан језика.
Најиновативнији догађај 2023 године је
Message in a Bottle

Догађај је зарадио преко 480 гласова и организован је од стране Departamento Curricular de Línguas, Alcobaça, Portugal.

Честитке победницима!

Највише смо били задивљени креативношћу и великом количином труда, уложеног у организацију пријављених догађаја те се желимо захвалити свим организаторима догађаја поводом ЕДЈ-а у 2023 години.