EDL- Language and Poetry for Peace
Language teaching and learning,
16 сеп 2024 - 24 сеп 2024
Students from Croatia and Romania, eTwinning and EPAS partners, worked on expresionist Poetry, analyzing linguistic patterns, comparing different translation versions, and also creating their own poems în English. The final product is a collaborative poem, transfomed into an AI- assisted song, using suno.ai
Target groups: Language learners Language teachers General public Young people (in general)
Organizer: Economica School of Slavonski Brod, Croatia( Ivana Opačak)& Liceul Tehnologic " Lazăr Edeleanu " Navodari( Gabriela Ciolpan)
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 100
Contact Name: Liceul Tehnologic "Lazăr Edeleanu" Năvodari
Website: https://suno.com/song/3f613cf0-563b-411d-a080-f795fb426f90
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