Beroemde citaten

We kennen allemaal wel citaten van beroemde mensen uit onze eigen taal of cultuur, maar ken je er ook uit andere talen en culturen? Hier kun je wijsheden, waarheden (of halve waarheden!), creativiteit, humor en soms ronduit cynisme uit verschillende culturen en talen ontdekken. Heb jij een favoriet? We zouden het op prijs stellen als als je er zelf ook een paar bijdraagt!

Beroemde citaten

We kennen allemaal wel citaten van beroemde mensen uit onze eigen taal of cultuur, maar ken je er ook uit andere talen en culturen? Hier kun je wijsheden, waarheden (of halve waarheden!), creativiteit, humor en soms ronduit cynisme uit verschillende culturen en talen ontdekken. Heb jij een favoriet? We zouden het op prijs stellen als als je er zelf ook een paar bijdraagt!
6 quote(s)
Pages count: 1


Tko se neuspjeha boji, nikad neće biti uspješan. The one who fears failure will never be successful.

Van Ivan Aralica
Ivan Aralica is a well-known Croatian author, essayist, and politician. He is particularly recognised for his historical novels and short stories, which frequently delve into Croatian history, culture, and the theme of national identity.


Uzaludno nebo za odgovor molim, uplašen sobom svoje suze gutam, tajanstveno stvari i života zebe, ne poznam ništa, a najmanje sebe. In vain I beg the sky for an answer, I swallow my tears frightened with myself, mysterious things and life finches, I know nothing, and myself at least

Van Tin Ujević, Croatian poet
Ujević's work earned him recognition and influence both within literary circles and among the broader public during his lifetime. This quote is an excerpt from poem "Tajanstva" (Secrets).


Bez cilja i nada mi smo samo mjerači vremena. Without goals and hope, we are just measurers of time.

Van Ranko Marinković
Ranko Marinković (1913-2001) was a Croatian writer and academic.


Sami smo uzrok mi svega zla našega. Nisu nam sve toliko drugi krivi koliko mi sami. We ourselves are the cause of all our evil. Others are not as much to blame as we should blame ourselves.

Van Ivan Gundulić
Gundulić (1589-1638) was a Croatian baroque poet, epic, and lyricist who held a variety of public roles.


Čovječe pazi da ne ideš malen ispod zvijezda! Man, beware not to walk small beneath the stars!

Van Antun Branko Šimić, poet
This is an extract from the poem 'Opomena' ('Warning'), which is a reflection of human behaviour and the ephemeral nature of life. With this line, Šimić warns against living in a diminished way and shrinking in the face of what life has to offer.


Jer knjiga ta, što držiš je u ruci, samo je dio mene koji spava. I ko je čita - u život me budi. Probudi me, i bit ću tvoja java. Because the book you hold in your hand is just a part of me that sleeps. And whoever reads it awakens me to life. Wake me up and I will be your reality.

Van Dobriša Cesarić, Croatian poet
This quote is from the poem 'Pjesma mrtvog pjesnika' ('Poem of a dead poet') and reflects the relationship between an author and their work. It captures the sentiment that a book embodies the author’s thoughts, emotions, and creative spirit, which become active when engaged with by a reader.