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Week Dedicated to Language: Diversity through Word and Taste

 Language Week, 23 Sep 2024 - 26 Sep 2024, Svilajnac, Serbien

On the occasion of the week dedicated to language, the students of our school will have the opportunity to get involved in various activities that promote the linguistic and cultural diversity of the national minorities of our region. One of the main activities will be saying the same speed in several languages. Students will explore the languages ​​of the world, as national minorities in our environment, learn how to pronounce different words and phrases, and demonstrate their skills through this fun but challenging exercise. The goal of this activity is to develop language skills and awareness of the importance of preserving different languages. In addition, students will prepare traditional delicacies from our region. Each group will choose a delicacy, research its recipe, bring ingredients, prepare it, and then translate the recipe into several different languages. In this way, through the combination of gastronomy and language, students will spread knowledge about different cultures and customs. These activities aim not only to promote language learning, but also to enrich students through a multicultural experience, strengthening their awareness of the diversity of the world in which we live.

Venue: OŠ " Jovan Jovanović Zmaj " (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Children Language teachers Media

Organizer: OŠ " Jovan Jovanović Zmaj "
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 130
Address: Aleja Zorana Đinđića 2, 35210, Svilajnac, Serbien
Contact Name: Vesna Momirović

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20 Eventideen für den diesjährigen Europäischen Tag der Sprachen

Du bist auf der Suche nach Ideen für den diesjährigen Europäischen Tag der Sprachen? Hier sind einige Ideen, um deine Fantasie anzuregen. "Klein anfangen, um dann groß rauszukommen", lautet die Devise! Hier also 20 Ideen für Aktivitäten, die du am diesjährigen Tag der Sprachen umsetzen könntest.

20 Eventideen für den diesjährigen Europäischen Tag der Sprachen

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20 Eventideen für den diesjährigen Europäischen Tag der Sprachen

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Den Preis für die innovativste Veranstaltung 2024 gewinnt
Long live the European Day of Languages/ Vive la Journée européenne des langues

Das Event erhielt mehr als 1900 Stimmen und wurde von Lycée Alfred Mézières de Longwy, France organisiert.

Wir gratulieren den Gewinnern!

Wir waren sehr beeindruckt von der Kreativität und dem großen Aufwand, der in die Organisation der eingereichten Veranstaltungen geflossen ist, und möchten allen Organisatoren von EDL-Veranstaltungen 2024 danken.