Festival delle lingue-Liceo Linguistico Statale "N.Machiavelli"- ROMA
26 sept. 2024 - 26 sept. 2024,
Roma, Italie
Durante l'evento verranno valorizzate le varietà e le diversità linguistiche all’interno dell’Unione Europea, attraverso un confronto tra gli esponenti dei principali istituti linguistici presenti in Italia.
During the event, the linguistic varieties and diversities within the European Union will be valorised, through a comparison between the representatives of the main linguistic institutes present in Italy.
Venue: Liceo Scientifico "N.Machiavelli" - ROMA (Show On Map)
Target groups: Adultes (en général) Apprenants en langues Enseignants en langues Étudiants Experts en langues Jeunes (en général)
Organizer: Europe Direct città Metropolitana di Roma
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 100
Address: Via dei Sabelli, 86, 00185, Roma, Italie
Contact Name: Noemi Prisco
Website: https://progeu.org/edcittadiroma/
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