"United in Languages, Celebrating Diversity"
18 szept. 2024 - 27 szept. 2024,
This exhibition will be centred around celebrating the cultural richness of Europe through language, with pupils showcasing how simple words reflect diversity and togetherness.
Word Sections: Each word (“Love,” “Thank You,” “Hello,” “Goodbye”) will be featured as a dedicated section or station. The words should be written in different languages on the rectangular pieces of paper provided to the pupils.
Venue: Escola Básica D. João II (Show On Map)
Target groups: Pupils Students General public
Organizer: Docentes de Inglês
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 906
Address: R. Dr. Artur Figueiroa Rego 11, Caldas da Rainha, 2504-917 , CALDAS DA RAINHA, Portugália
Contact Name: Fernanda Maria Pereira Teixeira
Website: https://www.agdjoao.org/
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