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Words that fly

 Quiz/Game, 24 ruj 2024 - 27 ruj 2024, Tirana, Albanija

Based on the Homerian expression “ἔπεα πτερόεντα - flittering words”, that is to say words that are transmitted through the wind and dispersed, our 7- 17 year- old students are included in an amusing linguistic game. Divided into two teams, they make up model airplanes and write on them words and expressions of all the languages they know, not only foreign languages, but also in their mother tongue or even its dialects. This culture, this linguistic richness, that is presented on each model airplane, follows a route that targets the opponent team. Then both teams collect the model airplanes of their “opponents” trying to understand the words in as many languages as they can and list out the most possible of them. All this linguistic treasure “opens its wings” in our school’s corridors, having “crazy flights” in our students’ mind, heart and mouth.

Venue: Arsakeio School of Tirana, Greek-Albanian College (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Language learners Pupils Children Young people (in general)

Organizer: The Greek Language Department
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 750
Address: Lunder, Farke, 1044, Tirana, Albanija
Contact Name: Froso Pappa

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20 ideja za ovogodišnji Europski dan jezika

Mučite se oko ideje za manifestacijom uz poštovanje 'preporučene fizičke udaljenosti' za ovogodišnji Europski dan jezika? U ovim nesigurnim vremenima može biti izazovno organizirati događanja koja su i sigurna i ujedno privlačna velikom broju ljudi. U nastavku slijedi nekoliko ideja koje vas mogu potaknuti na kreativnost, a od kojih se većina temelji na principu „počnimo kao mali i izrastimo u velike, još veće“! 17 ideja za aktivnosti koje se mogu provoditi uz poštovanje fizičke udaljenosti.

20 ideja za ovogodišnji Europski dan jezika

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20 ideja za ovogodišnji Europski dan jezika

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Najinovativnije događanje 2023 godine je
Message in a Bottle

Događanje je zaradilo preko 480 glasova i organizovano je od strane Departamento Curricular de Línguas, Alcobaça, Portugal.

Čestitamo pobjednicima!

Najviše nas se dojmila kreativnost i velika količina uloženog truda u organizaciju prijavljenih događanja te se želimo zahvaliti svim organizatorima EDJ događanja u 2023 godini.