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Words For Peace and Equality

 Language Day, 26 ruj 2024, Vilaflor, Tenerife, Španjolska

Our AICLE and Language teachers will explore the activities suggested on the EDL website with our students. Additionally, we will create one poster using the creations of all our students. The youngest will print their hands on it and write words related to unity and peace between cultures. Our primary students will spell the word HELLO in different languages, using drawings of Sign Language. Our students from 1 ESO will draw T-shirts of famous male and female football players from different countries. Our students from 2 and 3 ESO will paint flags and describe mathematic operations in different languages, and also print some notes of the European anthem, Ode of Joy. Finally, our students from 4 ESO will write sentences in different languages, referring to equality, diversity and respect. On the 26th September our students will put all their works together as a whole and create the poster.

Venue: CEO Hermano Pedro -Vilaflor (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Students

Organizer: CEO Hermano Pedro-Vilaflor
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 80
Address: C/Guatemala, 2, 38613, Vilaflor, Tenerife, Španjolska
Contact Name: Fuensanta Cano

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20 ideja za ovogodišnji Europski dan jezika

Mučite se oko ideje za manifestacijom uz poštovanje 'preporučene fizičke udaljenosti' za ovogodišnji Europski dan jezika? U ovim nesigurnim vremenima može biti izazovno organizirati događanja koja su i sigurna i ujedno privlačna velikom broju ljudi. U nastavku slijedi nekoliko ideja koje vas mogu potaknuti na kreativnost, a od kojih se većina temelji na principu „počnimo kao mali i izrastimo u velike, još veće“! 17 ideja za aktivnosti koje se mogu provoditi uz poštovanje fizičke udaljenosti.

20 ideja za ovogodišnji Europski dan jezika

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20 ideja za ovogodišnji Europski dan jezika

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Najinovativnije događanje 2023 godine je
Message in a Bottle

Događanje je zaradilo preko 480 glasova i organizovano je od strane Departamento Curricular de Línguas, Alcobaça, Portugal.

Čestitamo pobjednicima!

Najviše nas se dojmila kreativnost i velika količina uloženog truda u organizaciju prijavljenih događanja te se želimo zahvaliti svim organizatorima EDJ događanja u 2023 godini.