Languages for Peace
Journée des langues,
24 sept. 2024 - 26 sept. 2024,
Braşov, Roumanie
Students will commemorate the European Day of Languages by designing posters that depict the theme "Languages for peace" and crafting messages of peace in various languages. Additionally, they will create hand cut-outs arranged in a circle, as well as flag cut-outs. To enhance their learning experience, students will participate in team-based quizzes on the Bamboozle platform. These quizzes will cover topics such as flags, countries, capitals, and cultural customs.
Venue: Școala Gimnazială nr. 13, Brașov (Show On Map)
Target groups: Élèves Enfants
Organizer: Școala Gimnazială , nr. 13, Brașov
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 25
Address: Str. Oltet, nr. 12, 500170, Braşov, Roumanie
Contact Name: Ana-Maria Fefceac
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