EDL 2024: The Sound of Peace
23 Sep 2024 - 27 Sep 2024,
Moita, Portugal
ESL learners will learn to sing the song "So Long, Farewell..." OST from the film "The Sound of Music" and explore how to say "goodbye" in different languages. They will also create an exposition to spread/share messages of peace, brotherhood, love, freedom and develop other materials to celebrate EDL 2024.
Venue: Escolas Básicas do 1.º Ciclo (Agrupamento de Escolas da Moita) (Show On Map)
Target groups: Language learners Students
Organizer: Grupo Disciplinar de Inglês (1.º Ciclo)
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 520
Address: Largo da Juventude, Alto de São Sebastião, 2864, 2864-004, Moita, Portugal
Contact Name: Vera Nunes
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