Wellbeing speaks all languages!!
Language Day,
29 set 2024 - 26 ott 2024
Launch Event of the eTwinning project "Sounds good - ECHOES (eTwinning Community Holistic e-Strategy) for wellbeing". On the occasion of the European Day of Languages, students from the schools involved in the project will share words on a padlet, which are strictly connected to their idea of wellbeing. All the words will be translated into different languages - students will choose some among the 24 European official languages - and they will also be expressed through pictures, videos, and other kinds of media.
Target groups: Adults (in general) Language learners Children Language teachers Students General public Young people (in general)
Organizer: CPM Manuel Carra
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 6
Contact Name: Estefanía Guerra
Website: https://www.lamusicatetoca.com/?m=1
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