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Teaching Together

 Language Day, 26 sep. 2024, Bardejov, Slovaška

For European Day of Languages, our school has organized an engaging event that brings together both high school and primary school students. Our high schoolers have prepared 17 interactive stations, each featuring a fun, language-related activity designed for the primary school students to enjoy. Upon arrival, the primary school students will receive a sheet outlining all 17 activities. Their mission is to visit at least 8 stations, participate in the activities, and then select and circle the one they found most enjoyable. At the end of the event, a raffle will be held, giving one lucky primary school student the chance to win a special prize. Additionally, the high school student whose station is voted the best will also be awarded an exciting prize. This event aims to foster a love for languages while encouraging collaboration and fun across age groups.

Venue: Cirkevná spojená škola (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Pupils Children Students

Organizer: Cirkevná spojená škola
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 230
Address: Jiráskova 5, 08527, Bardejov, Slovaška
Contact Name: Vladimíra Jančárová

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20 idej za letošnji evropski dan jezikov

Iščete ideje, kako ob letošnjem evropskem dnevu jezikov organizirati dogodek z upoštevanjem socialne distance? V teh negotovih časih je pravi izziv organizirati dogodke za veliko število ljudi, ki bi bili varni in hkrati tudi privlačni. Spodaj je navedenih nekaj idej, ki lahko poženejo vaše ustvarjalne misli. Večina teh idej je zasnovana po načelu »če želiš postati velik, začni z majhnimi koraki. 20 idej za letošnji evropski dan jezikov.

20 idej za letošnji evropski dan jezikov

Obišči stran

20 idej za letošnji evropski dan jezikov

Obišči stran
'Najbolj inovativen dogodek' leta 2024 je
Long live the European Day of Languages/ Vive la Journée européenne des langues

Dogodek je prejel glasov 1900, organiziral pa ga je Lycée Alfred Mézières de Longwy, France.

Čestitke zmagovalcem!

Najbolj smo bili navdušeni nad kreativnostjo in delom, ki je bil vložen v organizacijo vseh prijavljenih dogodkov, prav tako pa bi se želeli zahvaliti vsem organizatorjem dogodkov ob EDJ v letu 2024.