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Languages for Peace & Miscellaneous Activities

 Language classes, 26 wrz 2024 - 04 paź 2024, Kovin, Serbia

Our school dedicates a whole week to the celebration of European Day of Languages with the main topic titled “Languages for Peace” and various accompanying activities aimed at promoting peace within and peace in the world, lifelong learning, and the beauty of languages and cultural diversity. The activities include a lot of fun, quizzes, workshops, tongue twisters, songs, motivational messages, etc. but also serious and almost academic research with respect to how languages can contribute to peace-making processes and overcoming differences and different worldviews. The central part of activities focuses on research on the use of language in peace negotiations and achieving various peace agreements throughout history and related vocabulary (from the Treaty of Paris (1783) and the Treaty of Versailles (1919) over the Cold War crises and the peaceful resolution of the Checkpoint Charlie standoff to some recent peace agreements in the Balkans). We also organize an exhibition of creative posters containing messages of peace, anti-war messages and songs, as well as of the national cultural heritage translated into English and other languages. This is also an opportunity to remember our famous scientists who served as translators and writers, such as Nikola Tesla, who translated the poetry of Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj, and Mihajlo Pupin, who won the Pulitzer Prize for literature. A lot of posters and Power Point presentations are dedicated as well to our Nobel Prize-winning author Ivo Andric and poets like Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj and Desanka Maksimovic and the translation of their oeuvre into English. Interesting research is also conducted concerning the achievement of intergalactic peace titled “Star Peace—Anti-war Star Wars," where students discovered numerous anti-war messages in the famous Star Wars Trilogy while using Yoda’s wise sayings and adages to analyse his inverted syntax and learn the correct word order in English sentences. Our goal is to send love, peace and good vibrations to the whole world and speak world peace into existence in our language classes. <3 <3 <3

Venue: Gymnasium and Vocational High School Branko Radicevic Kovin (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Language learners Researchers Pupils General public

Organizer: Gymnasium and Vocational High School Branko Radicivevic Kovin (Gimnazija i srednja stručna škola ,,Branko Radičević" Kovin)
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 220
Address: 197 Cara Lazara Street, 26220, Kovin, Serbia
Contact Name: Aleksandra Stojanović-Melina Ilić, Jelena Antonijević, Bojana Bibić

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20 pomysłów na tegoroczny Europejski Dzień Języków

Nie możesz znaleźć pomysłu na wydarzenie w ramach tegorocznego Europejskiego Dnia Języków? Organizacja wydarzeń, które są zabawne, integracyjne, zawierają elementy edukacyjne i motywują dużą liczbę osób, może być wyzwaniem. Poniżej przedstawiamy kilka pomysłów, które pozwolą Ci rozwinąć kreatywne myśli, i w większości opierają się na zasadzie "zaczynając od małego osiągnij coś wielkiego"! 20 pomysłów na aktywności, które można przeprowadzić w ramach obchodów tegorocznej edycji EDJ.

20 pomysłów na tegoroczny Europejski Dzień Języków

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20 pomysłów na tegoroczny Europejski Dzień Języków

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Najbardziej oryginalne wydarzenie roku 2024 to
Long live the European Day of Languages/ Vive la Journée européenne des langues

To wydarzenie otrzymało ponad 1900+ głosów i zostało zorganizowane przez Lycée Alfred Mézières de Longwy, France.

Gratulacje dla zwycięzców!

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