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Comunic'arte: the art of communication

 School project, 03 sept 2024 - 26 sept 2024, Cazaubon, Prantsusmaa

Activités sur le pouvoir des mots (poèmes engagés, paroles de chansons polémiques, fausses informations touristiques, campagnes contre le harcèlement)./ Projet final: créations artistiques pour promouvoir un usage responsable des langues et des outils d'apprentissage et communiquer de manière responsable en sachant ce qu'on réutilise et partage./ Activities on the power of words, through protest poems, controversials musical genres, fake tourist information (mass tourism vs sustainable tourism) and bullying campaing. Final pupils productions: artistic creations promoting a respectful and responsible use of language and aiming at learning about then cultures and understanding what we learn and see in other languages.

Venue: Collège (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Adults (in general) Pupils

Organizer: Ortholan Caroline
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 90
Address: 1 Bd des Pyrénées, 32150, Cazaubon, Prantsusmaa
Contact Name: Ortholan Caroline
Website: https://rostand-eauze.mon-ent-occitanie.fr/

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20 ideed selle aasta Euroopa keeltepäeva tähistamiseks

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20 ideed selle aasta Euroopa keeltepäeva tähistamiseks

Kas sul on keeruline välja mõelda, kuidas tähistada Euroopa keeltepäeva koroonapiirangute ajal? Praegusel ajal on raske korraldada üritusi, mis on ühtaegu turvalised ja samas meelitavad paljusid osalema. Uuri lähemalt, milliseid ideid sulle inspiratsiooniks välja pakume. Enamik neist töötavad põhimõttel, et liikuda tasub väikeselt suurele! 20 ideed tegevusteks, mida koroonapiirangute ajal korraldada.
2023's 'most innovative event' is
Message in a Bottle

The event received 480+ votes and was organised by Departamento Curricular de Línguas, Alcobaça, Portugal.

Congratulations to the winners!

We were greatly impressed by the creativity and great effort which went into organising the events submitted and would like to thank all organisers of EDL events in 2023.