Događaji Evropskog dana jezika

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Language fair is in the air

 Fair, 22 sep 2024 - 26 sep 2024, Novi Sad, Serbia

We plan our Language Fair to last for a week. The event would be organized as a support or welcome activity for all students coming from foreign countries and whose mother tongue differs from that of majority of students. We would ask students to work in pairs, or small groups in order to prepare all the material needed for the Language fair. The fair would be organized inside our modernized “European classroom”, or even outdoors. Students would be encouraged to cook a traditional dish, to learn some useful phrases in foreign languages, or even perform a short play using as many different languages as they can. We also plan to film and edit short videos, for our YT channel on the day of the event. The objective of the language fair would be to promote a diversity of cultural backgrounds of our students, as well as the overall importance of living and working together, not just sitting next to each other.

Venue: Tehnička škola "Pavle Savić"/ High school (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Language learners Pupils Language teachers Young people (in general) Media Parents

Estimated number of participants/people involved: 100
Address: Šajkaška 34, 21000, Novi Sad, Serbia
Contact Name: Lela Vuković
Website: https://tspavlesavic.edu.rs/

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20 ideja za ovogodišnji Evropski dan jezika

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20 ideja za ovogodišnji Evropski dan jezika

Mučiš se da nađeš ideje za ovogodišnji Evropski dan jezika? Organizacija događaja koji su zabavni i privlačni velikom broju ljudi, a opet imaju obrazovni element i motivišu, može biti izazov. Evo par ideja koje će inspirisati tvoju kreativnost, od kojih je većina zasnovana na principu „početi od manjeg da bi se stiglo do većeg“! 20 prijedloga za ovogodišnji Evropski dan jezika.
'Najinovativniji događaj' 2023 je
Message in a Bottle

Događaj je dobio 480+ glasova i organizovao ga je Departamento Curricular de Línguas, Alcobaça, Portugal.

Čestitke pobjednicima!

Bili smo oduševljeni kreativnošću i velikim naporima uloženim u organizaciju izloženih događaja i voljeli bismo da se zahvalimo svim organizatorima EDJ događaja u 2023.