Vlcnov Expo 2024
School project,
19 sept. 2024 - 03 okt. 2024,
Vlcnov, Czechia
Each class will represent one of the European countries. During 14 days, each class will work on preparations for the presentation of their country. On the D day, each country will make their exhibitoin stand containing basic information of their country and decorations. Moreover, each country will have 10 minutes to present their country in front of others. The presentation will be performed in English and will contain basic geographic information, demostration of language of their country and other interesting elements such as local food, costumes, songs etc. The best presentation will be announced and rewarded.
Venue: ZS a MS Vlcnov (Show On Map)
Target groups: Children
Organizer: ZS Vlcnov
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 200
Address: Vlcnov 1202, 68761, Vlcnov, Czechia
Contact Name: Kristyna Javorova
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