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 Celebration, 23 sept. 2024 - 27 sept. 2024, İstanbul, Türkiye

Event Title: Celebrating Language Diversity at SEV MIDDLE SCHOOL for European Day of Languages Event Description: At SEV MIDDLE SCHOOL, we are proud to teach Spanish, German, French and English, fostering a love for languages that extends beyond the classroom. In celebration of the European Day of Languages, we are hosting a vibrant and educational event aimed at inspiring students to explore linguistic diversity and appreciate the value of multilingualism. The event will feature interactive workshops, language-based games, and a school-wide treasure hunt, where students will discover key words and phrases in various European and global languages. Our MFL department will lead exciting activities, demonstrating how language learning connects to different subjects and enhances cultural understanding. By celebrating the beauty of languages, we aim to spark curiosity, motivate students to further their language studies, and remind everyone that learning a new language opens doors to new cultures and opportunities.

Venue: SEV ORTAOKULU (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Students

Estimated number of participants/people involved: 400
Address: CEKMEKOY, 34794, İstanbul, Türkiye

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20 ideja za ovogodišnji Evropski dan jezika

Mučiš se da nađeš ideje za ovogodišnji Evropski dan jezika? Organizacija događaja koji su zabavni i privlačni velikom broju ljudi, a opet imaju obrazovni element i motivišu, može biti izazov. Evo par ideja koje će inspirisati tvoju kreativnost, od kojih je većina zasnovana na principu „početi od manjeg da bi se stiglo do većeg“! 20 prijedloga za ovogodišnji Evropski dan jezika.

20 ideja za ovogodišnji Evropski dan jezika

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20 ideja za ovogodišnji Evropski dan jezika

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'Najinovativniji događaj' 2024 je
Long live the European Day of Languages/ Vive la Journée européenne des langues

Događaj je dobio 1900+ glasova i organizovao ga je Lycée Alfred Mézières de Longwy, France.

Čestitke pobjednicima!

Bili smo oduševljeni kreativnošću i velikim naporima uloženim u organizaciju izloženih događaja i voljeli bismo da se zahvalimo svim organizatorima EDJ događaja u 2024.