Testing students' knowledge of Europe's languages
23 sept. 2024 - 04 okt. 2024,
Thessaloniki, Greece
As part of the implementation of the eTwinning project titled "An Ideal World," the students participating in it will collaboratively create a short video in various languages to promote linguistic diversity and the ability to speak other languages.
Additionally, within the framework of the Civic Education course, we will celebrate this day with 10th Graders by utilizing the 20th event idea suggested for this special day (Test out your knowledge of Europe’s languages) . Specifically, we will use part of the material available on the following website: [https://edl.ecml.at/LanguageFun/LanguageTrivia/tabid/3129/Default.aspx) (Language facts, Language games, Language fun).
Venue: 7th General Lyceum of Kalamaria (Show On Map)
Target groups: Pupils Children Students
Organizer: 7th General Lyceum of Kalamaria
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 100
Address: Adrianoupoleos 2, 55133, Thessaloniki, Greece
Contact Name: Konstantza Tagara
Website: https://7lyk-kalam.thess.sch.gr/
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