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Language flags

 Language classes, 23 Set. 2024 - 26 Set. 2024, Zemun, Serbia

The aim of the class is to learn how to say the word love in different languages (English, Italian, Greek, German, Spanish, Russian, French..) The students are going to be divided in two groups of six students. Each student will be given a flag of one country. The teachers will pronounce the word love in specific language and write the pronounced word on the board. The students will try to guess which language it is and to pin the correct flag to that word on the board. The teacher will confirm if the answer is correct and the group will get a point, and a bonus point if they know some facts about that specific language and country. If the guess is correct all the studets will repeat the pronounced word after the teacher. On the other side if the students aren't sure which language it is, the teacher will give them some hints by showing them flashcards and posters related to that country and language. At the end of the class students from both groups will pronounce all the learnt words with the help from the teachers if needed.

Venue: Primary school Sava Jovanović-Sirogojno (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Pupils Students

Organizer: Primary school Sava Jovanović-Sirogojno
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 15
Address: Prizrenska 37, 11080, Zemun, Serbia
Contact Name: Marina Danilović

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20 ideas para o Día Europeo das Linguas de este ano

Cústache atopar ideas para o Día Europeo das Linguas deste ano? Organizar actos divertidos, integradores, educativos e que motiven a un gran número de persoas pode ser todo un reto. A continuación, ofrecémosche algunhas ideas para dar renda solta á túa creatividade, a maioría das cales se basean no principio de “empezar polo pequeno para chegar ao grande”. 20 ideas de actividades que poden levar a cabo para celebrar o DEL deste ano.

20 ideas para o Día Europeo das Linguas de este ano

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20 ideas para o Día Europeo das Linguas de este ano

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2024: o 'acontecemento máis innovador' é
Long live the European Day of Languages/ Vive la Journée européenne des langues

O evento recibiu 1900+ votos e foi organizado polo Lycée Alfred Mézières de Longwy, France.

Parabén aos gañadores!

Impresionounos enormemente a creatividade e o grande esforzo realizado para organizar os actos presentados e queremos dar as grazas a todos os organizadores dos actos do DEL de 2024.