Esdeveniments del Dia Europeu de les Llengües

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Let’s say “Hello” to Europe

 Poster campaign, 26 set. 2023, N. Gynaikokastro, Kilkis, Greece

Our school, the Junior High School of Ν. Gynaikokastro, participated in the celebration of the European Day of Languages with two posters created by the students of all three grades. The project touched upon raising awareness about languages and cultural backgrounds of countries in Europe and beyond. Students explored different languages and their origins as well as the way people say ‘hello’, ‘how are you?’ and ‘thank you’ in lots of different languages. Based on Lara’s journey, we discovered each country’s cultural traits and afterwards the students designed the poster by depicting a number of flags and writing greetings in speech bubbles. The logo of the European Day of Languages was recreated in a collage with crepe paper. Our aim was to sensitize the students on the value of learning languages and respecting other cultures and nationalities in multilingual and multicultural environment.

Venue: Junior High School of Ν. Gynaikokastro (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Language learners Pupils Children Language teachers Students Young people (in general) Parents

Organizer: Junior High School of Ν. Gynaikokastro
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 40
Address: N. Gynaikokastro, 61100, N. Gynaikokastro, Kilkis, Greece
Contact Name: Avgi Tsimopoulou
Website: http://gym-n-gynaik.kil.sch.gr/gynaik2/index.php/icons/2015-03-09-11-41-51

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20 idees per al Dia Europeu de les Llengües d'enguany

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20 idees per al Dia Europeu de les Llengües d'enguany

Struggling to find ideas for an event for this year’s European Day of Languages? It can be challenging to organise events that are fun, inclusive, have an educational element and motivate a large number of people. Below are a few ideas to get your creative thoughts flowing, most of which are based on the principle of “starting small to go big”! 20 ideas for activities that can be carried in celebration of this year's EDL.
Aquí teniu l’esdeveniment més innovador del 2023
Message in a Bottle

L’esdeveniment ha obtingut més de 480 vots i ha estat organitzat per Departamento Curricular de Línguas, Alcobaça, Portugal

Felicitats als guanyadors!

Ens han impressionat la creativitat i els esforços de l’organització i volem donar les gràcies a tots els organitzadors amb motiu del Dia Europeu de les Llengües 2023.