European Day of Languages
23 sep 2024 - 26 sep 2024,
Viseu de Sus, Rumænien
Each class had a different activity: from tongue twisters to creating posters, from saying "Hello" in the official languages of Europe and playing games(Guess the country/ language) or from debates on the topic - "Languages for Peace" and fill in the poll" What is the best advise you can give someone starting to learn a language".
Venue: Luceul Teoretic "Bogdan-Voda" (Show On Map)
Target groups: Language learners Language teachers
Organizer: Trifoi Amalia Coman Ileana
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 112
Address: Str. M. Eminescu nr.1, 435700, Viseu de Sus, Rumænien
Contact Name: Trifoi Amalia Coman Ileana
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