Viðburðir á evrópska tungumáladeginum

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Treasury of languages

 Language Pavilion, 26 sep. 2024 - 26 okt. 2024

A stand on display in the school hall with collections of poetry and prose in Serbian, Romani and Romanian languages, as well as collections of student works in all three languages, which is important for peer learning and horizontal exchange. At the stand there will be a box called: The most difficult expression TO PRONUNCIATE in the mother tongue, in which students can insert their suggestions. Those suggestions can later be the basis for articulation exercises in class, the basis for a language game, Serbian speakers can try, for example, to pronounce the most difficult word to pronounce in the Romani/Romanian language in phonetics and phonology classes and vice versa.

Target groups:  Students

Organizer: Preschool Teacher Training and Medical College in Vrsac
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 100
Contact Name: Marija Aleksandrović
Website: www.uskolavrsac.edu.rs

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20 hugmyndir fyrir evrópska tungumáladaginn

Sjá síðu

20 hugmyndir fyrir evrópska tungumáladaginn

Áttu í basli með að finna uppá viðburði fyrir evrópska tungumáladaginn? Það getur reynst mikil þraut að skipulegga skemmtilega viðburði sem eru öllum aðgengilegir, hafa menntunarlegt gildi og hafa hvetjandi áhrif á fólk. Hér geturðu fundið nokkrar hugmyndir sem þú getur byggt á og koma vonandi ímyndunaraflinu í gang. Hafðu líka í huga að stundum getur verið gott að byrja smátt og vinna sig síðan út frá því.
2023's 'most innovative event' is
Message in a Bottle

The event received 480+ votes and was organised by Departamento Curricular de Línguas, Alcobaça, Portugal.

Congratulations to the winners!

We were greatly impressed by the creativity and great effort which went into organising the events submitted and would like to thank all organisers of EDL events in 2023.