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EDL 2024: Salut, wie viel do you comprends?

 Fair, 26 syys 2024, Vukovar, Kroatia

This year we're organising a language fair in our school hall with a special focus on English, German and French, as these languages are taught at our school as part of our regular curriculum. That's why we named this event "Salut, wie viel do you comprends?". Visitors and participants will be able to find out more about interesting materials and methods we use in our classes and participate in a quiz using either English, German or French - or even all three! - because the answers will be "hidden" somewhere around the venue, written in these three languages. If they find and answer all questions correctly, they will get a reward and also become eligible to participate in a final competition for the main prize. To create our questions, we'll be using available materials from the EDL website and we'll make sure to prepare enough prizes for each successful contestant. The aim of this event is to show entertaining and interesting sides of these three languages beyond just obligatory class subjects.

Venue: Srednja strukovna škola Marko Babić (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Language learners Pupils Children Students Young people (in general)

Organizer: Srednja strukovna škola Marko Babić, Vukovar, Hrvatska
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 100
Address: Domovinskog rata 58, 32010, Vukovar, Kroatia
Contact Name: Antonio Sklepic

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20 ideaa tämän vuoden Euroopan kielten päivän viettoon

Etsitkö ideoita tämänvuotisen Euroopan kielten päivän tapahtumaa varten? Joskus voi olla haastavaa järjestää tapahtumia, jotka ovat hauskoja ja osallistavia, jotka toteuttavat opetuksen tavoitteita ja jotka motivoivat suurta joukkoa ihmisiä. Seuraavassa on muutamia ideoita inspiraation lähteeksi. Useimmat niistä lähtevät liikkeelle ajatuksesta, että "pienestä on hyvä ponnistaa"! 20 ideaa toteutettavaksi tämän vuoden EDL:n tapahtumissa:

20 ideaa tämän vuoden Euroopan kielten päivän viettoon

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20 ideaa tämän vuoden Euroopan kielten päivän viettoon

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2023's 'most innovative event' is
Message in a Bottle

The event received 480+ votes and was organised by Departamento Curricular de Línguas, Alcobaça, Portugal.

Congratulations to the winners!

We were greatly impressed by the creativity and great effort which went into organising the events submitted and would like to thank all organisers of EDL events in 2023.