Discovering European languages
Language Day,
26 syys 2024 - 04 loka 2024,
Trstená, Slovakia
Join us for an enlightening event where we explore the importance of learning and speaking other European languages. This event aims to raise awareness among pupils about the rich diversity of cultures across Europe and the value of respecting and understanding these cultures. Through engaging activities, interactive discussions, quizzes and games, we will highlight how multilingualism can open doors to new opportunities.
Venue: ZŠ P.O.Hviezdoslava Trstená (Show On Map)
Target groups: Pupils
Organizer: ZŠ P.O.Hviezdoslava Trstená
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 300
Address: Hviezdoslavova 822/8, 02801, Trstená, Slovakia
Contact Name: Lucia Kuželová
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