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European Day of Languages 2024 at Katkin park

 Language classes, 26 sep 2024, Košice, Slovensko

In the morning upon arrival at school, the teachers will have prepared envelopes from which students will draw slips of paper with flags. Based on these, they will be assigned to languages. The teachers will inform the students that flags are displayed on the doors, and based on the slips of paper they drew in the morning, they will go to the class marked with the matching flag. Thus, students from different grades will be together in one room. 6 languages: Spanish Portuguese French English German Slovak At the beginning there will be an introductory presentation – What is the European Day of Languages (EDJ)? Activities in each classroom based on the languages: 1. Portuguese, Spanish, French, German – introducing in the language, basic phrases. In parallel, in the Slovak and English classes, students will guess the origin of loanwords or the meaning of "false friends". 2. Nobel Prize winners, athletes, and famous personalities from European countries where the language is spoken. Students will watch a video and try to remember as many people, discoveries, and inventions from that country as possible. 3. Photos from various European countries – students guess which country the photo is from based on street signs, road signs, etc. /2 sets of 10 photos each/. 4. Tongue twisters in selected languages. As part of the 3rd activity (photos from various European countries), the students will be divided into smaller groups. The group that correctly guesses the most European countries in the photos (activity 3) will earn 1 extra point in their language subject.

Venue: Súkromné gymnázium Katkin park II (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Pupils Students

Organizer: Súkromné gymnázium Katkin park II
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 160
Address: Katkin park 2, 040 11, Košice, Slovensko
Contact Name: Zuzana Solejová

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20 nápadov na tohtoročný Európsky deň jazykov

Hľadáte nápady na podujatie k tohtoročnému Európskemu dňu jazykov? Môže byť náročné organizovať podujatia, ktoré sú zábavné, inkluzívne, majú vzdelávací prvok a motivujú veľké množstvo ľudí. Nižšie uvádzame niekoľko nápadov, ktoré vám môžu pomôcť v kreativite, pričom väčšina z nich je založená na princípe „začať v malom a ísť vo veľkom“! 20 nápadov na aktivity, ktoré môžu byť realizované na oslavu tohtoročného Európskeho dňa jazykov!

20 nápadov na tohtoročný Európsky deň jazykov

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20 nápadov na tohtoročný Európsky deň jazykov

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Najinovatívnejšia udalosť roku 2019 2024
Long live the European Day of Languages/ Vive la Journée européenne des langues

Akcia získala viac ako 1900 hlasov a organizovalo ju Lycée Alfred Mézières de Longwy, France.

Víťazom blahoželáme!

Kreativita a úsilie vynaložené na organizáciu aktivít, ktoré nám boli zaslané, na nás urobili veľký dojem a chceli by sme poďakovať všetkým organizátorom podujatí k Európskemu dňu jazykov 2024.