Nastavni materijali "Teach-Share"

Ovdje ćete naći materijale spremne za upotrebu koje nastavnici širom svijeta koriste u školi za Evropski dan jezika. Možda ćete ih morati prilagoditi kako bi odgovarali vašim potrebama (npr. promijeniti jezik). Rado ćemo ovdje dodati vaše ideje/ materijale/ adaptaciju postojećih dokumenata! Za ideje o tome šta se može uraditi na Evropskom danu jezika pogledajte primjere školskih aktivnosti" dole.

Nastavni materijal "Teach-Share"

Podijelite ili pronađite nastavne materijale na temu Evropskog dana jezika.

Planirate organizovati događaj da obilježite Dan, ali niste sigurni šta da pripremite... EDL-ova  ‘Teach-share’ baza podataka pruža niz materijala koji su uspješno korišteni u jednoj ili više prilika. Oni su velikodušno ponuđeni od nastavnika i trenera kako bi pomogli u pripremi lekcija/seminara vezanih za temu Dana. Vi ih možete adaptirati po potrebi (npr. promijeniti jezik), a mi bismo se radovali da ovdje dodamo i vaše ideje/materijale/adaptacije već postojećih dokumenata!

Za ideje šta možete organizovati za Evropski dan jezika, posjetite stranicu “primjeri školskih aktivnosti".

Group quiz on language facts
English, German

10-14 y

Students get shown 10 questions on language facts. The ones who get most answers right will win (a little prize). It is an activity where students will move freely around class.

 Description (English)

 Powerpoint presentation (German)

 Powerpoint presentation (English)

© by the European Centre for Modern Languages
Dober dias! Buenos dan! Sprachliche und kulturelle Vielfalt entdecken und feiern. Praxisvorschläge für Sprachenworkshops und Sprachenaktionen für die Grundschule und die Sekundarstufe I.

8-14 y

ÖSZ, ed. KIESEL neu, Heft 1. ISBN 978-3-85031-16
Graz: ÖSZ, 2012 
Zusätzlich zur Tätigkeit als Koordinationsstelle des Europäischen Tages der Sprachen in Österreich war das ÖSZ in den letzten Jahren immer wieder selbst aktiv und hat unter anderem seit 2009 Sprachenworkshops unter dem Titel "Dober dias! Buenos dan! Mit vielen Sprachen leben und lernen" durchgeführt. Mit dieser Broschüre stellt das ÖSZ in Zusammenarbeit mit den Mehrsprachigkeitsexpertinnen Katharina Lanzmaier-Ugri und Catherine Lewis diese Sprachenworkshops nun als Modell für Pädagog/innen zur Verfügung. Darüber hinaus werden fünf ausgewählte Sprachenveranstaltungen präsentiert, die von Schulen am und um den Europäischen Tag der Sprachen durchgeführt wurden und auf spannende und kreative Weise das Thema "Sprachenlernen und Mehrsprachigkeit" aufgreifen. (German)

© by the ÖSZ
Idioms of the world
all languages

14-18 y

Compare idioms used in different languages. Based on an English idiom several examples are shown on how the same is said in various other languages including Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish and Welsh. Feel free to send us an interesting version of these idioms in any other language. Send to information(at)

 Idioms of the world (various languages, headline in English)

© by the European Centre for Modern Languages
Change ta langue!
material in English, target language French

10-14 y

An interactive powerpoint presentation showing facts on languages and inviting students to participate. It includes several videos from youtube.

 Presentation (material in English, target language French)

© by Mme Berangere LESAGE-KO, M Christoph Pollmann


Primjeri školskih aktivnosti

Ovo su neki od primjera školskih aktivnosti koje su urađene u školama za Evropski dan jezika! Trebali bi dobiti neke ideje o tome kako da organizujete cijeli dan/jutro/popodne.

all languages, description in English

6-16 y

During the first two periods, Year 8 students prepare and organize short English lessons of 15 minutes each for Year 1 students. There are 12 work stations in all. They not only plan and teach the lessons, they also take over parts of the organization and timekeeping and emcee the opening and closing ceremonies. After the two periods of preparation Year 8 students pick up Year 1 students from their classrooms and the fun begins.

 Description (English)

© Elisabeth Bauer, GIBS, Graz, Austria

District Language Day - valuing all languages spoken in a city district

English, German

6-14 y

„I can speak Armenian!“ „I can speak Hungarian!“ „ I can speak Russian!“ Primary school children of the third district of Vienna exchange languages. For some of them it is a new experience. All of a sudden their first language, ignored so far, is appreciated. The „Landstraßer Sprachentag“ made it possible.

 Description (English)

 Flyer (German)

 Plan of activities (German, but please have a look - you can see what the structure is like)

© Commission on Integration of the third district of Vienna Eva Lachkovics, author of books for adolescents: Michael Schmid, African storyteller: Dr. Espérance Bulayumi