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Languages Connect Us

 Language Week, 26 sep 2023 - 06 okt 2023, NICOSIA, Cyprus

Our school EDL Initiative ‘Languages Connect Us’ presents Languages as the means to connect and collaborate with others, and parallel, to promote cultural and environmental awareness. We have integrated a repertoire of fun and exciting games and creative activities into our Foreign Language classes (English, French, Italian, Russian and Spanish), most of which are the creations of students: The ‘EDL Treasure Hunt’ played in teams during the school break, focuses on identifying names of foreign languages, matching expressions in different languages and translating. ‘The Green Challenge’ is also a team game, that develops cultural and environmental awareness; students name a tree, plant or flower found in the school yard, in two foreign languages, identify its use and benefits and create a ‘Tsiattisto’ (traditional two-line poem in the Cypriot dialect or a 4-line poem in English), inspired by the tree, plant or flower. ‘The Language Diversity Tree’ is decorated with greetings, human rights and values in different languages, and ‘The Sustainability Tree’ is filled with wishes and expressions related to environmental protection. Students’ posters, inspired by the EDL, are exhibited on school boards. A student-taught lesson of greetings in a foreign language is a highlight of the lesson-integrated activities, along with discussions, presentations and a selection of the ECML website activities.

Venue: Regional Lyceum of Palaiometocho (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Language learners Language teachers Language experts

Organizer: Regional Lyceum of Palaiometocho (Foreign Language Department)
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 200
Address: 1 Christou Kariou, Palaiometocho, 2682, NICOSIA, Cyprus
Contact Name: Chrysanthi Nicodemou Pasiardi
Website: http://lyk-palaiometocho-lef.schools.ac.cy/

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20 nápadov na tohtoročný Európsky deň jazykov

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20 nápadov na tohtoročný Európsky deň jazykov

Hľadáte nápady na podujatie k tohtoročnému Európskemu dňu jazykov? Môže byť náročné organizovať podujatia, ktoré sú zábavné, inkluzívne, majú vzdelávací prvok a motivujú veľké množstvo ľudí. Nižšie uvádzame niekoľko nápadov, ktoré vám môžu pomôcť v kreativite, pričom väčšina z nich je založená na princípe „začať v malom a ísť vo veľkom“! 20 nápadov na aktivity, ktoré môžu byť realizované na oslavu tohtoročného Európskeho dňa jazykov!
Najinovatívnejšia udalosť roku 2019 2023
Message in a Bottle

Akcia získala viac ako 480 hlasov a organizovalo ju Departamento Curricular de Línguas, Alcobaça, Portugal.

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Kreativita a úsilie vynaložené na organizáciu aktivít, ktoré nám boli zaslané, na nás urobili veľký dojem a chceli by sme poďakovať všetkým organizátorom podujatí k Európskemu dňu jazykov 2023.