European Day of Languages
09 Medi 2024 - 30 Medi 2024,
Zadar, Croatia
At Elementary School Smiljevac in Zadar, Croatia, the European Day of Languages is celebrated from the 9th to the 30th of September with a series of engaging activities. Students research and present the culture, customs, cuisine, and famous people from various European countries. They share proverbs in different European languages, make creative bookmarks featuring national symbols, and design colorful word clouds to showcase key vocabulary from multiple languages. A collaborative poster titled "Languages for Peace" is created to promote unity through multilingualism. The celebration also includes a Spelling Bee contest.
Venue: OŠ Smiljevac (Show On Map)
Target groups: Language learners Pupils Children Language teachers Students Parents
Organizer: OŠ Smiljevac, Zadar, Croatia
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 300
Address: Ivana Lucića 47, 23000, Zadar, Croatia
Contact Name: Vanja Paleka
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