Rhestr o declynnau technoleg gwybodaeth ac adnoddau addysgiadol agored

Croeso i'r rhestr o declynnau ar-lein ac adnoddau addysgol sydd ar gael am ddim ar gyfer dysgu ac addysgu ieithoedd, a ddatblygwyd gan brosiect 'Defnydd o dechnoleg gwybodaeth er mwyn cynorthwyo dysgu ac addysgu ieithoedd' (ICT-REV) Canolfan Ieithoedd Modern Ewrop! Mae'r rhestr yn cynnwys teclynnau sydd wedi'u gwerthuso gyda meini prawf addysgeg cadarn mewn cof.

Latest additions to the inventory

Factile (Jeopardy-style games creator)

Factile is an online platform that allows teachers to create games to play in order to check students' progress and preview or review learning materials. It offers a free version. Educators can either... view details

Plectica (Mind mapping tool)

Plectica is an online tool for making mind maps and diagrams. It is very user-friendly and allows its users to easily organise and share information. Mind maps and diagrams can be used individually or... view details

Ayoa (A digital whiteboard, a tool for mind mapping and a tool for project management )

Ayoa is a digital platform that offers three different tools which can be connected in flexible ways: mind maps, a task board and a digital whiteboard. The visual approach and its filter functions can... view details