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Learning Stations in our Classroom celebrating European Day of Languages

 Workshop, 03 окт. 2023 - 11 окт. 2023, Volos, Greece

The celebration of the European Day of Languages was a perfect opportunity to use learning centers in classroom. The students were asked to participate in four different activities-corners in the classroom, working in groups, for a specific time allowed. When the time was over, they moved on to the next activity so that all students were engaged in all activities in rotation. The activities included were: designing posters about proverbs that could be found in more than one language, building 3d puzzles of famous landmarks (e.g. Big Ben), listening and completing a table with “ goodmorning ” in different languages and participating in a spelling competition. The aim of the workshop was to introduce students to linguistic diversity, by creating a more relaxed, hands-on experience. Apart from having pure fun, students activated different types of intelligence as well as cognitive and metacognitive skills.

Venue: 2nd primary school of Volos (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Language learners Pupils Children Language teachers Students Language experts Parents

Organizer: 2nd primary school of Volos
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 60
Address: Makrinitsis 23, 38333, Volos, Greece
Contact Name: Eleni Christonasi
Website: https://blogs.sch.gr/2dimvoloumag/2023/10/12/eortasmos-tis-eyropaikis-imeras-glosson-2023/

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20 идеи за овогодинешниот Европски ден на јазиците

Се мачиш да најдеш идеи за ‘социјално дистанциран’ настан за овогодинешниот Европски ден на јазиците? Во овие несигурни времиња може да биде тешко да се организираат настани кои се воедно безбедни и привлечни за голем број на луѓе. Подолу се дадени неколку идеи кои ќе го поттикнат твоето креативно размислување, повеќето од кои се основаат на принципот “почни од помало да стигнеш до поголемо!”. 20 идеи за овогодинешниот Европски ден на јазиците.
'Најиновативен проект' 2023 г. е
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Настанот доби 480 + гласови и беше организиран од страна на Departamento Curricular de Línguas, Alcobaça, Portugal.

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