ЕДЈ настани

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mini folksfestival

 Celebration, 26 септ. 2023 - 10 ноем. 2023, Ierapetra, Greece

The 2nd Secondary School of Ierapetra promotes the multilingualism, the respect for interculturality and celebrates the European Day of Languages! On Tuesday 26/09, events and activities were organized at the 2nd Secondary School of Ierapetra, as a part of the Celebration of the European Day of Languages. The purpose was the inclusion of languages that are least spoken, as well as the disclosing of the linguistic wealth of Europe. By the organization of group experiential activities and fun games, the students of the 2nd Secondary School of Ierapetra discovered the linguistic and cultural richness but also the possibilities that multilingualism and language diversity offers. Our students participated with enthusiasm and passion and implemented various activities and workshops, such as performance of ceramics and collages, construction of giant posters and bookmarks. They also played memory board and word knowledge games, while they painted in order to take part in the European Day of Languages competition for its official 2024 T-shirt. Through the activities the children developed their social skills, established interpersonal relationships and collaborated with enthusiasm while having fun at the same time. Mostly they enriched their knowledge concerning various European languages. The activities for the celebration of the European Day of Languages ended with the accomplishment of a small folk festival, in the frame of which the students shared tongue twisters in 4 different languages, danced traditional dances from 3 different countries while they also performed a musical improvisation on a German traditional song.

Venue: school (Show On Map)
Target groups:  Pupils Language teachers Language experts Media Parents

Organizer: 2nd Highschool Ierapetra
Estimated number of participants/people involved: 50
Address: Kanari 2, 72200, Ierapetra, Greece
Contact Name: Voultsidi Niovi
Website: http://2gym-ierap.las.sch.gr/

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20 идеи за овогодинешниот Европски ден на јазиците

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20 идеи за овогодинешниот Европски ден на јазиците

Се мачиш да најдеш идеи за ‘социјално дистанциран’ настан за овогодинешниот Европски ден на јазиците? Во овие несигурни времиња може да биде тешко да се организираат настани кои се воедно безбедни и привлечни за голем број на луѓе. Подолу се дадени неколку идеи кои ќе го поттикнат твоето креативно размислување, повеќето од кои се основаат на принципот “почни од помало да стигнеш до поголемо!”. 20 идеи за овогодинешниот Европски ден на јазиците.
'Најиновативен проект' 2023 г. е
Message in a Bottle

Настанот доби 480 + гласови и беше организиран од страна на Departamento Curricular de Línguas, Alcobaça, Portugal.

Честитки на победниците!

Највеќе бевме импресионирани од креативноста и големите напори што беа вложени во организирање на предложените настаните и би сакале да се заблагодариме на сите организатори на ЕДЈ настаните во 2023.