Святкуй Європейський день мов з нами!

2024: Languages for Peace

700 мільйонів європейців представлені в 46 державах-членах Ради Європи мають можливості відкривати для себе більше мов у будь-якому віці. Це виходить з переконання Ради Європи, що мовне різноманіття є інструментом для досягнення більш глибокого міжкультурного розуміння та є ключовим елементом у багатій культурній спадщині нашого континенту. Тому Рада Європи у Страсбурзі пропагує багатомовність у всій Європі.

За ініціативою Ради Європиinitiative, разом із Європейською комісією, Європейський день мов відзначається щороку   26 вересня, починаючи з 2001 року.
Найінноваційнішою подією 2024 року стала
Long live the European Day of Languages/ Vive la Journée européenne des langues

Подія набрала понад 1900 голосів і була організована Lycée Alfred Mézières de Longwy, France.

Вітаємо переможців!

Нас найбільше вразили креативність та великі зусилля, спрямовані на організацію поданих заходів, і ми хотіли б подякувати усім організаторам заходів ЄДМ у 2024 році.

Діяльність в

Statement from the President of the Republic of Lithuania, Gitanas Nausėda, on the occasion of the European Day of Languages 2024
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 Initiative 2024 
Thank you for your participation!

Over 5238 posters, countless creative ideas, and one shared goal: promoting unity through languages! While only five posters were named as the top 5, everyone is a winner, because you speak the languages that bring us together. Explore our gallery to discover a new poster every time you click – it is a celebration of how beautifully peace speaks every language. Merci, Grazie, Danke, Mulțumesc, Ďakujem, and Thank You to everyone who participated! Your creativity has shown that languages are not just words, but powerful tools for connection and understanding. Thank you for making this initiative a true celebration of diversity and peace.

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Initiative 2024: Thank you for your participation!

Over 5238 posters, countless creative ideas, and one shared goal: promoting unity through languages! While only five posters were named as the top 5, everyone is a winner, because you speak the languages that bring us together. Explore our gallery to discover a new poster every time you click – it is a celebration of how beautifully peace speaks every language. Merci, Grazie, Danke, Mulțumesc, Ďakujem, and Thank You to everyone who participated! Your creativity has shown that languages are not just words, but powerful tools for connection and understanding. Thank you for making this initiative a true celebration of diversity and peace.

Конкурс футболок Європейського дня мов

Надішліть нам свій дизайн /зображення / графіку та розмістіть свій макет на офіційній футболці Європейського дня мов! Дізнатися більше

 Initiative 2024 
Most difficult letter/word/phrase to pronounce!

For example, the letter 'Ř' (a ‘raised alveolar non-sonorant trill’!) from Czech is reputed to be one of the most difficult letters to pronounce in the world – except (of course) if you are Czech! Can you come up with something just as difficult to pronounce or even more so – either in your own language or in the one you are learning? If so, send us a short video illustrating this challenging piece of oral dexterity and why it is challenging! We will select a winner of Europe's most difficult utterances to then be featured on the EDL website.

Thank you for participating - this initiative is now closed - a compilation of videos will be made available online in the course of November.

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Initiative: Most difficult letter/word/phrase to pronounce!

Thank you for participating - this initiative is now closed - a compilation of videos will be made available online in the course of November.

Poll: What is the best advice you can give someone starting to learn a language?

New in 2024 

New in 2024 

Lara’s next journey - through Europe’s Regional and Minority Languages

Lara sets off on a new language journey - On this chapter of her journey, Lara explores the fascinating world of regional and minority languages and, being inquisitive, she, of course, uncovers many linguistic treasures!

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Language tree poster

Word of the year

Every year, countries throughout Europe participate in the tradition of selecting a "word of the year." Here are the words from the previous year!

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Word of the year

Every year, countries throughout Europe participate in the tradition of selecting a "word of the year." This practice involves choosing a single word or phrase that reflects the social, cultural, or political trends and events of the year. The word of the year serves as a symbolic representation of the collective consciousness and prevailing themes within a society. It captures the zeitgeist and becomes a reflection of the shared experiences, concerns, and aspirations of the people.

Нові події

12/11/2024 - 22/1/2025
Collège Joseph d'Arbaud
CN Scoala Centrala
26/9/2024 - 13/10/2024
Szkoła podstawowa nr 14
18/11/2024 - 6/12/2024
Faculty of Theology, Letters, History and Arts, University Center Pitesti

Переглянути всі події

"The DeafSign team at ECML sends its best wishes for the European Day of Languages. Sign languages in Europe are a part of Europe's rich linguistic and cultural heritage. Happy European Day of Languages!"

Christian Rathmann, coordinator of the DeafSign project

European Commission events

This year, the Commission will focus on the results of the 2024 Eurobarometer on Europeans and their languages and compare them with the 2012 Eurobarometer results.

The event  will connect live with some of the EU countries that achieved positive results, including Finland, Portugal and Czech Republic. Together, they will try to identify key factors of success.

Watch the event here: https://youtu.be/a0P-FREmcMw

20 ideas for this year's European Day of Languages

Struggling to find ideas for an event for this year’s European Day of Languages? It can be challenging to organise events that are fun, inclusive, have an educational element and motivate a large number of people. Below are a few ideas to get your creative thoughts flowing, most of which are based on the principle of “starting small to go big”! 20 ideas for activities that can be carried in celebration of this year's EDL.

20 ideas for this year's European Day of Languages

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20 ideas for this year's European Day of Languages

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Also check out this...

Where am I?

You'll be shown 20 random images from all over Europe. Can you find out, where those images where taken? Use your language skills and the virtual magnifying glass to find hints in the picture. Good luck!

Send us your own pictures for this game here!

Where am I?

You'll be shown 20 random images from all over Europe. Can you find out, where those images where taken? Use your language skills and the virtual magnifying glass to find hints in the picture. Good luck!

And: Add your own images to the game!

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Bake a cake!

For the 20th anniversary of the European Day of Languages we asked you to send us your best birthday cake recipes. We now have chosen 20 amazing recipes and put them into a colourful booklet.

Celebrate with us by baking one of these truly European birthday cakes!

Download the book

Famous quotes

We are all familiar with quotes from famous personalities in our own languages and cultures - but how many do we know from elsewhere in different languages? Here is a chance to discover the wisdom, truths (or half-truths!), creativity, humour and sometimes downright cynicism from a range of cultures and languages as well as their origins. Do you have a favourite? We would be delighted if you would also contribute some of your own!

Famous quotes

We are all familiar with quotes from famous personalities in our own languages and cultures - but how many do we know from elsewhere in different languages? Here is a chance to discover the wisdom, truths (or half-truths!), creativity, humour and sometimes downright cynicism from a range of cultures and languages as well as their origins. Do you have a favourite? We would be delighted if you would also contribute some of your own!
Quote of the day:

Čudno je kako je malo potrebno da budemo sretni, i još čudnije: kako nam često baš to malo nedostaje. It is strange how little it takes to be happy, and even stranger how often just that little bit is missing.

By Ivo Andrić

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The funniest one and only multilingual joke book

In how many languages can you make someone laugh? Following an extremely strict selection process (involving a jury of individuals who aren’t easy to please!) we ‘proudly’ present the results of this 2022 initiative. From the over 700 jokes that were submitted (not all of them publishable!) we have painstakingly whittled this down to the ‘crème de la crème’ of multilingual humour. 


For fans of ‘Christmas cracker’ jokes – this is a must... You are most welcome to continue to submit new and even funnier jokes with a multilingual element for Volume 2...! View page

Міф або реальний факт?

1. Моя рідна мова – це все що мені треба.

Міф   Факт

2. Я не двомовний/багатомовний. Я можу говорити лише однією мовою.

Міф   Факт

3. Більшість людей в світі використовує більше ніж одну мову.

Міф   Факт

4. Англійська мова – єдина мова якої потребують діти.

Міф   Факт

5. Діти можуть заплутатися якщо вони будуть вивчати більше ніж одну мову одночасно.

Міф   Факт

6. Я не можу допомогти дитині вивчити або ж використовувати мову якої я сам/сама не знаю (не знаю на достатньому рівні).

Міф   Факт

7. Якщо учні не знають мови викладання – вони вивчать її краще перебуваючи під впливом цієї мови та лише через використання цієї мови.

Міф   Факт

8. Постійне використання рідної мови (рідних мов) заважатиме вивченню дітьми мови навчання.

Міф   Факт

9. Моя робота – викладання «Х» як іноземної мови, а не спілкування іншими мовами в класі.

Міф   Факт

ICT language tool of the week

Hot Potatoes (Freeware suite of six apps for creating computer-based tests)

Hot Potatoes is a software suite used for creating interactive exercises and quizzes for language learning and other educational purposes. Through Hot Potatoes, users can create various types of interactive exercises, including multiple-choice, short answer, crossword puzzles, and matching exercises. They can also customise the exercises with their own content and formatting preferences. Once created, exercises can be exported as HTML files and uploaded to learning management systems such as Moodle for students to access and complete. Hot Potatoes is free to use but requires installation. It was developed by Martin Holmes and Stewart Arneil at the University of Victoria in Canada.... View details

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Яка це мова?

Нам всім відома така ситуація: в автобусі, кафе, на вулиці ми чуємо, як двоє людей розмовляють іноземною мовою. І нам цікаво, що це за мова. Давайте проведемо тут трохи тренувань, і наступного разу, коли це станеться з вами, ви легко впізнаєте мову!
Переглянути сторінку

Questions you never dared to ask about languages

For this year’s European Day of Languages we have produced a series of short video clips focusing on ‘Questions you never dared to ask about languages’ with experts covering a range of backgrounds and specialisations responding.
As the title suggests, the questions are ones that we might not wish to ask in front of an audience but, in fact, highlight important issues and address some popular misconceptions about languages and language learning. Do you have a question you would like to ask an expert?

To see subtitles on the videos, please activate this feature by clicking on ‘subtitles’ in the YouTube menu below the video. To change languages, click on the gear wheel and select subtitles>’automatically translate’ and select the desired language (the machine translation is provided by YouTube).

Questions you never dared to ask about languages

For this year’s European Day of Languages we have produced a series of short video clips focusing on ‘Questions you never dared to ask about languages’ with experts covering a range of backgrounds and specialisations responding.

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Мовні виклики EDL

51 челендж, що міститься в посібнику, заохочують учнів трохи вийти за межі своєї зони комфорту та скористатися безліччю можливостей для практики або вивчення мови поза межами класу. Дізнатися більше

Ви також можете вивчати мови!

Завантажити брошуру

Are you a language detective?

Can you recognise all the languages being displayed in the game?

Are you a language detective?

Can you recognise all the languages being displayed in the game?

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Brain game: Greek alphabet

How fast can you complete this challenge?

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The secret agent’s language challenges app  2023 

The app has been updated with a new ‘language detective’ challenge in 2023. Can you succeed where others have stumbled? The app has been updated with a new ‘language detective’ challenge in 2023. Can you succeed where others have stumbled?

The secret agent’s language challenges app  2023 

The challenges and quizzes contained within this app encourage learners – future international agents – to take advantage of the plentiful opportunities available to practice or learn more about a language beyond a classroom context. By passing through a series of levels you can rise from a lowly agent in training to become a master secret agent.
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Чи знали ви що…

Загальноєвропейський День Мов підтримується та координується Європейським Центром Сучасних Мов Ради Європи? Рада Європи є провідною організацією із захисту прав людини на континенті. Вона нараховує 46 держав-членів, включно з усіма державами-членами Європейського Союзу.


Оціни свої мовні навички

Функція «Оціни свої мовні навички» допоможе вам оцінити рівень володіння мовами, які ви знаєте, відповідно до 6 рівнів Загальноєвропейської Рекомендації з мовної освіти (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

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